CA: Town repeals sex offender ordinance

[ – 4/24/20]

YUCCA VALLEY — Facing costly litigation, the Yucca Valley Town Council discussed repealing the ordinance restricting where paroled sex offenders can live within town limits.

The urgency ordinance repealing part of the Yucca Valley municipal code was approved 5-0.

“It’s a tough decision for us to make,” said Councilman Robert Lombardo, adding he believed the town could prevail in a lawsuit. “I think we could successfully fight this, but at a great cost. I feel comfortable appealing the ordinance.”

In early February, the town of Yucca Valley was served with a lawsuit, John Doe versus the Town of Yucca Valley, challenging the constitutionality of restricting paroled sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a school, park or daycare center.

In 2015, the state’s Supreme Court decided a similar ordinance in San Diego was unconstitutional, and that city’s ordinance was repealed. This case opened the door for numerous lawsuits to following hitting city by city across California, according to Thomas Jex, the town of Yucca Valley’s attorney.

Jex said the attorney who filed the suit, Janice Bellucci, is winning similar suits she has filed against other California cities.

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“It’s a tough decision for us to make,” said Councilman Robert Lombardo, adding he believed the town could prevail in a lawsuit. “I think we could successfully fight this, but at a great cost. I feel comfortable appealing the ordinance.”

Signs of campaign season…

Hmm but feelings are a lot different than actual thoughts haha.

Glad is was revoked. First the odds are way against you to successfully find a place to live. Then you are shown on a map areas you cannot reside in regardless of what great housing opportunities you may get. And what if someone wants to open a daycare around the corner of your house? Do you have to move or face jail time? And those on parole/probation? No place to live? No job? Probation violation. Back to jail. Ordinary people will never see this struggle. Just a day in the life for those of us on the registry.

Thank you again, Janice and team for defending the rights of registered citizens!

Congratulations! Brick by brick is what the name of the game is. It’s a big wall but progress is bein made

Janice is changing the political landscape of the entire state. Thank you. I am Honored to know her. Janice keeps winning because all these cities and counties are wrong. They are doing illegal and unconstitutional acts, and once Janice challenges them they crumble because they have no legitimate defense, only the fear and false stats they put out to the public of the registered person is what they have on their side, but nothing of substance

Congratulations again Janice! Also to piggy bank on this issue I suggest, if it hasn’t been suggested already, to collect analytics on reported sex crimes before and after the repeal of these restrictive ordinances just to prove that these rules were useless

Janice (company), thank you again! I have no idea where any of us would be at without you. I have a few questions, When you file these suits and you settle, are you compensated? I know it takes time and money to litigate these things. I’m not implying anything negative, but rather curious. Thanks

Janice for every pitfall we all go thru there is always some good that can come out of all these ordeals. I’m sure your job is not easy at times and its like fighting city Hall at times but the value that comes out of pressing on is very rewarding for some. Guess thats why I enjoy your site as helping others in a positive way is always good. That show’s character and quality.

I’m sure your job isn’t easy at times but the truth is always good in any circumstance and justice is always what one needs more in America. Maybe your team could take a crack at our Governor here in VA but I’m sure CA needs’ you more. Its funny how every state is different in their laws during this pandermic

Thank you. I would be scared to think where we would be if you didn’t exist? Park bans? Beach bans? Can you believe we where banned from going to the beach? Park? Who thinks of these things? What would have been next? Would the tier law exist? I’m presently in the process of filing a COR in LA. I took your advice. It’s become very apparent LA is more in tune to support those who seek rehabilitation. When I filed my COR in OC, the DA turned it in a circus (questioned neighbors/recorded me when they came to my house/subpoenaed my wife/the DA lied in court and I was requesting a COR for an expunged misdemeanor battery with summary probation)? In LA, they have to protocol clearly written (very professional) they prohibit questioning neighbors and they will only call or mail a questionnaire to those you have used as references/not mentioning your crime/simply doing a background check! Thank you Janice. Your a firecracker